Billionaire’s Love



I’m so happy that the people that have read it so far, have love this book, one of the comments was ” I couldn’t put  it down, I had to know what was happening.. ”

thank you everyone that has purchase this book I’m overwhelmed. When I first wrote this book, I knew I love the story.. Who doesn’t like a nice romance, with a little action in it right?  there is always a part of you that second guess yourself, and ask the question: What if? but if you live by the what if? you never amount to anything, I’m so happy I have done this. Writing stories not knowing how it will start or end, but then when you finally have the finish product in hand..  you say YOU DID IT?

Wait I do have more to share with you all..  Don’t hesitate share this with a  friend or sister or mother, daughter of ages of course, or Aunt. share this book. For every book -(hardcopy or paperback sold) $1 will be giving to Cancer.  I was blessed with this and I want to give back some how.. September is coming to end soon…

Thanks again everyone


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