Billionaire’s Love


I want to thank everyone who has Purchase one of my books in September, I’m still waiting for the Rundown from the Publisher if I need to add anything extra funds.. to Cancer.. that being said. I was able to raise $58.00 for Cancer.. with that I will match the donation. I’m just waiting for the final sales in September from the publisher.

I should have my website up and be running this week. I have my domain now, so will keep everyone posted on that.

October, what can I do for the month of October. For a new writer, that has never published a book before, they say that giveaways are a great idea. Watch my Facebook Page tomorrow, who knows what it will be.

Remember, Share this with your friends. If you liked Billionaire’s Love, write a Review: on kindle/Itunes/Kobo/google play/ B&N/ also Goodreads.  It is you the fans that determine if a book is a success or not, all Authors require reviews.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.



1 Comment

  • Sylvie
    Posted October 12, 2016 12:32 am 0Likes

    Fabulous thank you Brenda

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