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“You’re right, Ms. Harrison, I wasn’t very kind to her. I might have deserved it.” He took a sip of the wine and could see her watching, and knew she was trying to figure him out. He had seen her face change for a split second, and from the corner of her lips, there was a grin on her face, hiding behind the glass of wine. And then the smile was gone. The barriers were up again; he knew she didn’t trust him, and for good reason.
Happy ThanksGiving Canada. I’m grateful that I was lucky enough to have published this book and feel bless that something I wanted so bad came true. To Everyone out there do not give up on something you believe in. I still have a lot to learn about publishing and I’m hoping to meet wonderful people in the near future that can guide me.
News: I’ve registered with the RWA, Romance Writers of America, so much to read up on, but I will get there slowly. On October 16th, I will be visiting with the RWAC here in Canada to see these wonderful Authors and hope that I’m able to join.
Event: On October 16th, I will be visiting with the RWAC here in Halifax, N.S. Canada to see these wonderful Authors and hope that I’m able to join. Before I can join I had to be registered with the U.S. one first. Will keep you posted on that.
Final Tally for Cancer: Still waiting for the final count, I should have it this week.
Now, I need to work on volume 2, Billionaire’s Forgiveness who know what will happen.. right. I just may enter some excerpt on my web page.
Cheers All