thankful Tuesday

I like to thank everyone for following me, liking my post, and just acknowledge I have followers.  I try to read them all, but at night I face plants down on my computer and everything is a blur.  I’m thankful of meeting such wonderful women from the RWAC, you women ROCK!… I’m still learning and searching to find myself an Editor that will help me in the journey of Romance Writing and coach me.

Writing is an Art or is it a Craft that takes years unless you are born a genius and you do it flawlessly.

On the weekend I attended a WOTS (Word On The Street) Thank you Nicole for letting me tag along, you are so good at what you do.  Everyone you should check her out Nicola R White, one of 2016 Winner of Kobo Self Published Authors  I hope I wrote it right.

So thank you all – Keep writing and sharing your stories, one day I will have all my books out and hopefully I will be able to help someone or inspire someone don’t give up on your dream or hopes. Believe you can do it and you will.





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