Was under the weather, but feeling better now.

HI all,

I’VE BEEN feeling under the weather this last week, so I haven’s been on my computer.  Finally feeling better, even though I still have a slight cough I’m feeling much better.

What is new, well I finished Billionaire’s Forgiveness, and now into Editing, with Friesen Press, I was hoping to find someone that would work with me and I”m not giving up on that.  So I”m still searching   Genre; Romance of course, so if anyone knows or can refer an Editor, please let me know.

I want to publish Billionaire’s Mistake soon after Billionaire’s Forgiveness, without going through Friesen Press. I want to do this on my own, I know I can do this, but I will need help, I have someone in mind that will help me I think. Well, I hope she will.

Does anyone use Grammarly, to help with their editing.? Would like to know?

So thank you for hanging in there and being patient with me, this year is a year that will shine or hope that I can prove to myself that  I can do it.

Reading? what is everyone Reading right now; Myself I’m reading the Maya Banks Enforces Series… and let us say that I’ve been crying my freaking eyes out on this series.  Its so good, and warming, and touching, and mistakes can be made by anyone, and forgiveness is the biggest problems sometimes and a relationship.  So if anyone has read this Series it’s well worth it. 1st book is Mastered, 2nd Dominate and 3rd Freed that is what I’m reading now.

Billionaire’s Forgiveness -should be out in the spring, well I’m hoping anyway, maybe March.. so will keep everyone posted.




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