I’m working on my website, so how would you like to get free chapters, from the new book, I know that Amazon/Itunes/Kobo/Nook/GooglePlay – will give you the sample I believe 1st Chapter. I will give you two chapters, click on my website; www.bpearsonbooks.com and sign up.
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What I’m reading – believe it or not I”m reading my book, I”m my worst critic I believe, I notice one error, that I didn’t see on the final read, before signing off to print. EMERGENCY should have been ENTRANCE, unfortunately, the Editor and myself missed it and I indicated Emergency Department.. damn I wish I would have seen it, and I apologize for the incorrect word.
Contest end MAY 30 2018 – don’t forget to sign up – change to win both copies Billionaire’s Love and Billionaire’s Forgiveness..
AVAILABLE NOW ON ALL MAJOR OUTLET, EPUB-PAPERBACK AND HARDCOPY -IF YOU read the 1st one wait till you see what happens in the conclusion.