I remember – when I had lots of endurance, I would never stop till the job got done. – where has this gone.

Today I realized that – the endurance I once had is far-far away.  Even though I feel young at heart – my body is telling me otherwise. I know I didn’t do much today and it felt like I was working on the deck forever. Pulling those deck board are brutal the nails were damn long and wood was rotten.  Even Still I was able to instal new Deck board this time screwing them in not with a nail gun.  I have my work cut out for me for sure it may take me all summer at the rate I’m going but it will get done.

Bending, has become hard, once I’m down, I have bad knees and have a hard time getting up.  Where was the time where I would flip in the air and land on my feet. Now if I would try that I would fall on my face and give myself a conscious for sure… I wish I was twenty again, damn I had endurance and flexibility.

So what has changed in your life during the years what have you notice about yourself that changed.

getting old

Well I hope everyone is having a great Saturday night – now I’m taking the iPad and ready Julianna Stone.  Blackwell Series

also don’t forget to SHARE – WWW.BPEARSONBOOKS.COM

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