Friday’s Woohoo

Have you ever noticed how time goes by so fast? We don’t look forward to Mondays. We go to work every week wishing Mondays is Friday.  Yet, when Friday is here you are looking forward to the weekend and telling yourself. “Damn I don’t have to turn on that work computer.”

Don’t get me wrong, I used to thrive at my job, I love going to work, now it’s a duty, I way of a means to earn money as everything is so expensive now. Don’t you all agree?  My daily job is taking so much of my energy that I don’t have time to look back and enjoy it. I sometimes say I hate my job, but you know what, maybe I only hate the situation of that day, because there is always something that ticks you off, right!

Enough about the above, on a brighter note, I’m looking forward to a new GOLF season, going out with our friends, and watching Todd and Derek get in the competitive mood. who will do better?  As, Denise and I, are only enjoying a time of being outside and doing our best. We don’t care if we have a bad shot, well maybe we do but for me, it’s a way of being outside and being active. Last year I walked a full 18 and I felt amazing after that tired but amazing. So this year I want to do the same. I biked also and I cannot wait to get back on the trails even if I”m going to do them alone.

This summer I’m going to take the time to enjoy the small little things that are going to make me …YES, ME HAPPY.

SO, here is to have a fantastic Friday all and remember if you keep saying you hate, It’s only because you hate the situation you are in at that moment. Walk away clear your head and say I’ve got this!

Cheers all Happy Friday




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