I’ve done the cleaning, the washing, no music or tv have been on all day, and I don’t miss it. I think eveyrone should take the time every now and then and enjoy the peacefulness of the birds and windchimes and just relax.
I wish I could say I have the energy to do stuff I look outside and wonder how the hell I’m I going to get this yard clean up after the brutal winter of high winds and snow. I’ve lost interest of cleaning its to much work – I just rather have someone come in and do it. So much faster… LOL. I wonder how much it will cost? OH Honey, give me your credit card, please….LOL.
I’ve played with Molly outside and now she’s just chilly on the sofa and sleeping. So I wonder what is everyone doing today?
I’ve finished my re-write of the first chapter of Billionaire’s Rescue, and I’m still second guessing myself on it. I really don’t know what is happening to me I think I lost the energy to write. Damit last year was I able to get two books out and this year I’m just no feeling it. I’m sorry all I know you want to know what will happen with Brandon. It’s just when I wrote this book 2014 I was just starting and honestly the plot could be better. My writing could be better, it’s going to be a long process for sure. With my day job that can be very stressful my brain just shuts down. Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know it will take more time.
if you want a quick read, you should check out Billionaire’s Mistake, it’s less than 100 pages. www.bpearsonbooks.com – Icons are there for quick download all over
Cheers all