Saturday how I love thee

I’m sitting at the table with my morning coffee, no music, no sound, just total peacefulness. My hair is a mess, well it’s short, so it sticks up straight like alfalfa. Point is I’m lazy this morning prepping for this beautiful day to come with many plans. I’m waiting for the 1st appointment at 10 when I realized a trucks pull up at 7:15 in the morning. I SCREAM holy shit.. my deck guy is early – I run to get dress wet my hair, so I don’t scare him. Break my bra in the process, up ripe that plastic that holds the thing together.. this is what happens when you are in a hurry. I dress quickly cause I know he’s going to ring the doorbell any minute now. And it doesn’t come, I look out the window and realize it’s our lawn guy… I breathe… thank god I can relax for another 1/2 hour.

cheers all have a great Saturday


  • Nancy
    Posted May 25, 2019 10:18 am 0Likes


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