Well I really thought I would have been more productive this weekend. That didn’t happen. You see I got I’ll on Friday.
Out of nowhere I woke up and boom. Chill, feverish, the shakes. Light headed. I really wanted close up my work computer and go back to bed.
The voice in my head kept telling me you work from home. It’s who I am. Stupid you might add or maybe just loyal to my team and customers.
I paid a price for not doing so. I was in bed all weekend with no energy and sleep deprive I hardly slept from Friday to Saturday. For one, my body shut down but my brain was replaying something over and over again call work.
So a sleepless night from Friday to Saturday. Mind you if I was home I wouldn’t worry. But for the last 4 weeks, I’ve been living with my mom as she recovers from bypass surgery. So that scared me not knowing what I had. I didn’t want my mom to fall sick herself after what she went through.
But I’m happy to say I’m feeling much better and I cannot wait to finally sign off on Wednesday from work for we’ll deserve a vacation. Yes, I miss my home and my Molly and I cannot want to see her on Thursday.
So this is my story today hope all of you have a bright and cheerful day. Kindness goes a long way.