Where does the time go? I feel like only yesterday we were celebrating New Years

My dad once said that the older you get the time goes much faster.

I believe him now. Looking back I thought. I’m still young. But you know what? Time is precious we need to embrace it because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Live don’t dwell. Don’t do what ifs, go for it.

Yesterday it hit me, Family is what is important. be there for the ones you love. Support them tell them you love them everyday. Go that extra miles. To my Brother Frank than you for doing what was needed to be done I love you. To my sister that normally hates driving in the winter time. God gave her the strength to do it and to go that 2hour drive to see our Father I love you for that. God bless both of you for doing what you did.

Future is not written yet but I have clarity on what needs to be done.

So to all embrace today and call someone you love.


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