Did you ever wake up one morning and think what is my purpose?
That could be a loaded question don’t you think?
I feel that the passion I had of writing is no longer. Lately I like to lose myself in a good story than writing it. As you need to feel those emotions to you are writing. Right?
The things that were important to me, seems not so important anymore.
The goals I wanted for myself seems so far down the podium they are almost none existent.
Used to be carefree and spontaneous and adventurous. Now I feel that life is passing by and I’m missing it. As priority come first.
These are a few thoughts that are running in my mind. what is my purpose on this life. Why, am I here?
I sometimes feel that I’ve lost my way and I don’t know where to turn.
But the good of all will always supersede the bad. I know in my heart I will always do the right thing. The above are thoughts not actions that I’m depressed or anything like that.
Only my deep thoughts. You also wonder how did they get there. Right? And why are they there. That is a good question.
They only thing that comes to mind is I need ME time. Need to get away of all. Work, home life, responsibility. Escape for just a week to refocus or regain that passion in me again.
To be served and not me serving. I don’t ask for much but wouldn’t it be amazing just once the roles would be reverse.
Getting a coffee served to you instead of you making it. Getting a glass of wine not because you ask for it but because he though you might want one. I don’t ask for much in life but would it be nice and thoughtful even it was only one time.
You, all must be thinking what is going on with you girl today. Truth is I woke up this morning with all these questions on my mind and asking why? I don’t know.
I would like to hear about this if you have question yourself on these things.
For all of you who know me I’m ok. I’m not depressed or anything it’s thought that we’re running through my mind when I woke up. Must have been one hell of a dream if I woke up with it.
So have a fabulous Friday
These are my daily thoughts for today
Brenda 💋❤️