It’s Friday What is on your mind?

What is on my mind, honestly I’ve been struggling for years with weight gain. I decided back in March that I needed to do something about it. I’ve tried so much in my life, from protein meals, to WW to Keto Coffee. I had one chance left to make this happen. Reason I know I’m getting older and the older you get the harder it becomes to lose those extra lbs. When I first weighted myself I almost cried… wait I did cry… I cried because I lost part of who I was.

I’m still struggling, it took me 20 years to put those lbs on, and it will take me a long time to remove them. My struggles are real, and it’s hard, I will not say it’s easy because it’s not. Temptation is all around you, it’s how you chose not to crave those temptation. NOOM is teaching me how to change my habits, and so far since I started In April I’ve lost 20 lbs. I’m still working on losing another 20 but it’s hard. because my body is not responding well to the changes, I’m doing.

Eating healthier, and making sure I’m eating my intake of food per day. I’ve never been much for exercise, I love activities. I like to move but, going to the gym is not one of them. So I’m focusing on biking, walking as much as I can at golf, and being in the pool also helps. But I still struggle, even though my team at NOOM says this is normal, you reach a plateau, when you are stable. I just have to push through it.

So if anyone is out there struggling about weight lost you are not alone. Don’t give up on yourself. BE positive, believe in yourself, and don’t feel bad if you need to reach out and talk to someone. It’s all part of the journey. Don’t give up and keep moving forward.

I would love to hear about your own struggle what works for you?

Happy Friday all, have an amazing day. BE STRONG, BE HEALTHY, BELIEVE IN-YOURSELF. YOU CAN DO IT.

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