I’m back … well maybe
Hello, my lovelies.

How was your summer? Mine, well, it’s been a busy one. In April, we decided on a project to rip up the deck boards on our deck and this project started in late April or early May. We saved costs as we had purchased a new pool, and my man and I decided to do the task.

Shoot me now; why would I ever say such a thing? We both work, and honestly, we only had one day to physically work on the deck once the new pool was installed. Now here we are in September, and we are still not finished. I never dreamed it would take this long. I can do a lot, but when lifting 2x10x10 boards and posts, adjust the old frame with the new one. Let’s say I hope it gets finished before winter. Haha.

So what have you done this summer? We both managed to at least take a mini vacation of three days to the beautiful place of Cape Breton, playing a few rounds of golf.

What have you been reading this summer?

Does Anyone know Cathryn Fox? Well, I’ve read her series for Players on Ice. Please check out how a team of players find love and new lives off the ice.

Also, read Lucy Score – Things you need to know. I like ready new authors as there is some fantastic talent out there. I found this book on Melody Anne’s Instagram feed, so I had to check it out. It will make you keep reading, and it will make you turn to the next page. It’s about doing the right thing, finding love, and being brave enough to face your fears. Please check it out if you are Amazon Unlimited. It’s a free download.

Another good Author I found has his series is John Henley, Alpha, Bravo, third book is yet to come out. It’s a thriller suspense series.

What am I writing?

My writing skill has been on hold. It’s all about time, and my time has been cut short with our summer project.

I’m unsure if I will ever publish again, but I know I have stories to tell. I’ve written one manuscript already, opening up Brandon Carla and rethinking their whole story. I’m changing it up. I’m only at chapter three. I hope I can do more, but I need time to focus.

What are your goals this fall?

Does Anyone have them? I start them, but I get so off-track that my goals don’t seem to get done. I will try and do better on that. Finish a few stories, at least.

Hugs, my lovelies and have a happy Tuesday







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