This this day be filled with laughter and fun.
Good morning all Where is the time going? I know I’ve asked this question many times but seem that the older you get time is slipping by. So…
First I want to wish everyone a rocking 2023. I know I’m late saying this. It’s been a crazy last two weeks as we were travelling. When finally… Hello, my lovelies. Well, we made it to Friday. I don’t know about all of you, but the word Friday sounds so good. Not sure if all…

Hello, my lovelies. How was your summer? Mine, well, it’s been a busy one. In April, we decided on a project to rip up the deck boards on…
Good morning my lovely friends. Summer, well not here yet but coming. Am going to be MIA. Most of the summer as we work on our summer projects…
I woke up this morning after hitting my snooze button. Told myself 10 more minutes next thing I know I’m hearing the National Anthem play. Damn when did…
The sound of the birds chirping. The smell of that first cup of coffee. The quietness of the house before everyone gets up. I don’t know about you…
We keep busy with our lives and the next thing you know boom it’s middle of week. time is moving forward. I was outside earlier this morning with…