Good morning all
Where is the time going? I know I’ve asked this question many times but seem that the older you get time is slipping by.
So here is updated about Billionaire’s Rescue. Brandon Pierce story. I’m happy to say I’m still plugging away at it. I’ve change some of the story already but so far I’m liking it.
I know you may wonder when this will be published. Honestly I cannot say. But the forth draft is in working progress. And I’m happy to say that I have 3 day writing retreat coming so I’m hopping I will get it done.
Who knows I might lock in editor. Cross my fingers and toes. Haha
I only wanted to check in as my life hasn’t stopped. Work, family and other things. But if you are looking for something new you should check out Lucy Score. Her books are amazing
So Ta!Ta! For now have a happy Friday