Must say this. I made a promise to myself as 2023. That I wanted to put Brandon Pierce story out there this year.
Little by little I’ve been fixing. Editing, deleting and hopefully making this story something I can be proud of. I’ve wanted Brandon to be not just an arrogant billionaire . But I wanted him to have a kind heart.
Being the youngest of the three brothers , I want him to be special in ways that his others two brothers aren’t. Oh don’t get me wrong. He takes want he wants at no cost. But there is a softer side of him.
That being said. Below is an excerpt.
Carla was walking away, and my sister-in-law was shouting at me. What the heck is going on? I should quit daydreaming and start paying attention the next time. Megan left with Alex, leaving me with a very unhappy brother.
“Oh, this is going to be so good,” Josh said next to me.
“Say nothing, Josh. Max!” Max approached me, directly into my face, and he wasn’t smiling. I know I was a jerk earlier, and I even apologized. Yes, I felt awful when I realized who she was, yet, on any other day, I could be the most arrogant son-of-a-bitch. But never to women; they should never be on the receiving end of my bad attitude.
“Brandon, please explain why my wife is furious right now. I have two unhappy women in this house, and it all leads to you. “Explain yourself.” Max hissed at me through his teeth, trying not to wake Emma who was asleep in Josh’s arm.
I leaned on the counter, holding my hands against it, and took a big breath, thinking how many times I had to apologize. Why do women hold grudges? “That’s her!” Brandon turned to face his brothers.
“Who’s her?” Max gazed at me as I ran my hands through my hair and pinched the back of my neck.
The girl from the fundraiser I mentioned before. Carla, it was her. I assumed her name was Ann. I was aware that we had lied about our identities.
Have you ever wished to spend one night not being Billionaire Pierce and instead being someone else? We both lied about our identities. She had no idea who I was, so I went with it.
“Oh my gosh, you slept with her.” Josh stated in hushed tones.
“Shut up, Josh; it’s none of your business.” I yelled at him.
“Did you do it?” Max inquired.
“What?” I said.
“Did you sleep with her?” Max inquired in a more measured tone. “Don’t answer that, It’s written all on your face, Brandon.” As he turned away, Max murmured something I didn’t hear.
I hope you enjoyed it.